The Celtic Arts Center presents...
The 17th Annual Samhain Fleadh Cheoil
Celtic New Year Music & Dance Festival

Saturday, October 26th, 2002
5pm – 11pm

“Waking Sam Hain”

$10 Admission
- proceeds benefit the
Center’s cultural programs

Costumes encouraged!

Throop Unitarian Universalist Church
300 South Los Robles Ave. in Pasadena, CA
(at Del Mar and S. Los Robles)


Finn MacCool
Everything Celtic Music & Dance Troupe
Dan Munson & Tim Blair
Ken O’Malley
Kris Colt & The Black Rose Band
The Thompson School of Irish Dance
An Cór Ceilteach / The ACS Choir
Raven’s Cry Grove, ADF
Cante Numpa Lakota Drum Circle
and More!

What is Samhain?

Gaelic for "November" and pronounced like "plowin'". We know it as Halloween, but once it was Samhain - the Celtic New Year. The Dark Half of the year begins, the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. The Puca roams, the Banshee wails, the dead come back to settle scores. Come in tonight - we'll dance, we'll eat and drink, we'll make music against the darkness - and perhaps we'll have some visitors...

In ancient times, when the harvest was over, the weather turned cold and daylight began to wane, the people retreated to their solitary lives and welcomed in the new year.  Just as the World began in darkness, each year in turn began in darkness, according to the old ways.  In the absence of modern calendars, the Celts marked the passage of their year by observing holidays connected to the harvest, the phases of the moon and other natural phenomena.  Samhain was always the first full moon following the Fall Equinox.  One of the most significant days in the Celtic Year, Christianity in its ascendance was unable to obliterate the observance of Samhain; and following that practical maxim "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em", they renamed it "All Souls Eve" or "All Hallows Eve".

Each year, around Halloween, The Celtic Arts Center holds one of its major fundraising events to celebrate the ancient Celtic New Year.  Featuring non-stop music, dance, storytelling, food and drink, The Celtic Arts Center's Annual Samhain Fleadh Cheoil is not to be missed!

Volunteers are always welcome, and usually survive the ordeal!  Join us for a great time - as a volunteer or a visitor, and support Celtic language and culture while doing so.

Proceeds from this event help fund the Celtic Arts Center's cultural programs and maintain our theater facility.

For more information...
THE CELTIC ARTS CENTER HOTLINE (818) 760-8322 or e-mail

An Claidheamh Soluis / The Celtic Arts Center